Monday, September 29, 2008

"You really went down the toilet on that ugly b*tch"

Right before I left "work" today, I looked at the stock market to assess the wreckage on Wall Street. For some reason, regardless of how bad things get, quoting my favorite movie always makes me feel better.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Woman marries manger

Once a resume coach talk told me about the importance of not completely relying on Microsoft Word’s spell checker to spell check my resume. He said “you’d be surprised how many people have worked as a senior manger.”

I came across one such person today in the Wall Street Journal. He works for Consolidated Edison and his wife has just celebrated her fiftieth birthday.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Reversal of fortune

I apologize for having been delinquent in my blogging activities. For the past two weeks I had been so caught up in following the events of the Democrat and Republican National Conventions that I have had little time for everything else.


Earlier today when I was at “work,” I logged into my Roth IRA account. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the position I took last summer in the Panera Bread Company had hit my target sell price and was sold in accordance to my limit order. This was particularly good news considering that two months after I bought the stock, I blogged about not liking the direction it had gone, especially in comparison to Chipotle Mexican Grill. In the months since that blog posting, both stocks continued their trajectories. But eventually Panera staged a comeback and looking back, it was a smart move to choose Panera over Chipotle.


Goes to show that I am still pretty screwed about predicting financial instruments, my Tim Pawlenty prediction (previous post) notwithstanding.