Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween

I hope you like our new digs here at Blogger. The transition was not as smooth as anticipated. The video clips transferred (with one exception) flawlessly but many of the pictures required further formatting. The biggest problem with the transfer has to do with blog posts that link to other blog posts – while the posts transferred without a problem, the links did not update to reflect the new linked posts on Blogger.

I wish everyone a happy Halloween tomorrow. Those of you in the Chapel Hill area may want to exercise extra caution if you encounter a McCain/Pain yard sign while trick or treating. Apparently the local liberals (that’s almost a redundancy given the political persuasions of the people in this area) have been doing such a good job at targeting the signs that some owners have taken extraordinary measures to protect them.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

New URL for this blog

Please redirect your web browsers to The entirety of this blog will be transferred to that site and future updates will be made there.


Let’s keep our fingers crossed that all contents (especially the photos and videos) will transfer smoothly. See you on the other side.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Urgent programming note

I learned recently that AOL Journal will be permanently shutdown as part of AOL’s decision to focus on services that are on the profitable side of its corporate profit and loss statement. Due to that decision, this internet address will cease to function starting November 1.


Fortunately the contents of this blog, including pictures, videos, and reader comments, will be migrated over to a new address hosted by Blogger. I have yet to decide when to make the migration because Blogger is still working out some bugs related to the transfer.


Unfortunately, it does not look like traffic will automatically be forwarded from the current address ( onto the new one. Therefore when the new address has been determined, I will post it here.


Please make sure you check back prior to November 1, when the current address will be permanently disabled, to get the new address. After November 1, you can get the new address by emailing me at buckyhoo AT aol DOT com or by doing a Google Blog Search for buckyhoo.


Thanks for your patience. I know I have not been the most diligent blogger of late but I do appreciate the readers who continue to check back periodically.