Friday, October 26, 2007

From the most unlikely sources

One of the things that I noticed lately is that I have been getting leads about companies through some unconventional means. Almost a month ago, I interviewed at the internet division of a newspaper company. Before the interview, I was in the reception area waiting for the interviewer when a young woman walked in with another interview candidate. From the two minutes of small talk that ensued, I found out she’s a recruiter for a technical staffing firm and learned her first name and the name of her firm. I called her the following Monday, reminded her of our quick meeting the previous Friday, and offered to send her my resume. Last week she called to tell me about a product manager position at a local company that provides internet security products for large enterprises. I interviewed there on Wednesday.


Another lead that I got came from a student who was a year ahead of me in the MBA program (Class of 2006). We have never met but he emailed me out of the blue last week to tell me he has followed my blog with some regularity and to tell me about a local start up company that he has some connections with. I am going to spend some time next week looking over its website to see if this is something I’d be interested in.


Job leads are not the only things have resulted from unlikely sources. I was at a Chinese buffet restaurant on West Franklin Street for lunch today and the “fortune” in my fortune cookie read:


“You will besingled out for a promotion.”

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