Saturday, March 22, 2008

Still verdictless life

I had a second round interview this past Monday for the senior business analyst position at a local insurance company. Last week when I was preparing for the interview, four hours of behavioral interview questions posed by five managers, when I started entertaining thoughts of not doing well on the interview and panicking. I instinctively went to the internet to search for more jobs to apply to.


That night as I was praying about the interview, I realized that there really are only two things I can ask for regarding my current situation. I can ask for God’s will to prevail regarding my job search and for Him to use my circumstances to strengthen my faith.


This, however, is easier said than done. The next day I thought about a company in Atlanta that I was (am) interested in working for. I interviewed with it during my first year for an internship in its mobile content group and interviewed again in May for a product analyst position in its internet content group. I couldn’t help feeling both sadness and anger that if either interview had gone the way I wanted, I would not be in this predicament today. What I want more than anything else, even more than finding a job, is for this job search to resolve itself in such a way that I can look back and clearly see God’s hands guiding me throughout the process.


The interview on Monday went pretty well. The hiring manager is currently in the Kenan-Flagler executive MBA program and is hiring a replacement for an analyst who is transferring to another part of the company. Everything I have heard about this analyst is that he could “shoot fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightning from his arse.” He is transferring to a group where there is a Kenan-Flagler alum and the alum arranged for me to have a quick phone conversation with this guy so I had a good idea what the hiring manager was looking for even before the initial phone interview.


But then again, I seem to walk out of every second round interview thinking I it “went pretty well.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

testing times ...