Thursday, June 5, 2008

Quiet anniversary

I was at Bible study this week discussing adulthood when someone asked “at what point in your life did you feel you’ve become an adult.”


After thinking about the topic for a moment I said “June 5, 1998.” I went on to explain that it was a significant day in my life because on that day I moved into my own apartment for the very first time after graduating from college weeks before. It was my first day of no longer living with my parents or on UVA property. I had traded the protection of my parents and a daily class schedule for electric bills, tax withholding, and having to go to work everyday.


Here we are ten years later. It’s been a decade of surprises, disappointments, things I learned that I want to share with the world, as well as things I have done that I’d rather not tell anyone about.


Tomorrow I will be returning to UVA for my ten year college reunion.

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