Monday, July 7, 2008

Your best life now

I have been working at my new job for almost three months now and within the past month, I began to notice that I am actually beginning to like my post business school life quite a bit. Thursday night was a bit of a wild night – or about as wild as it can get for me not being in school. I kicked off the Fourth of July three day weekend by going to Bub’s for karaoke night. After two hours of watching townies and old people making an attempt to sing, me and a bunch of girls went to Lucy’s (the new name is P.T.’s Grille but I will forever call it Lucy’s) for 80s night. We had tons of fun even though we didn’t stay long enough to hear my favorite Journey song.


Afterwards I thought what a difference one year makes. A year ago that very same night I went out to eat by myself and afterwards drove by Franklin Street wishing I had some people to hang out with. And now for the second weeknight in the same week I went out late into the night with a bunch of people (part of the trick here is to make friends with teachers so during the summertime they don’t have to go to work).


I thought about this again on Sunday when I talked with a friend. He recently experienced a change of circumstances and is now in a situation where he has to make new friends. He was lamenting that because people tend to socialize within the same age group, making friends was much easier right out of college compared to now when more of his peers either have children or at least are in serious relationships.


Given that this friend is not that much older than I am, I consider myself  pretty lucky that I have the friends that I have in Chapel Hill.

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