Thursday, November 27, 2008

Giving thanks

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. The President of the United States has a traditional Thanksgiving message to the nation; I have a traditional blog post where I give thanks to God Almighty for the progress (sometimes even lack of progress) in my life over the past year.

The past year has been extremely challenging and rewarding. I am grateful foremost for the religious faith which has helped sustained me throughout the challenging job search earlier this year. I am also grateful for the job that the search resulted in. While this is by no means the type of job I had envisioned when I quit my job for business school three years ago and thinking about the job makes it tempting to say that business school was a total waste of time and money, I am grateful that I have a job given the recent macroeconomic developments. It helps that almost every month I read about layoffs in a company that I have interviewed with and my current employer is relatively recession proof.

In addition to some of the fruitful relationships I have built in the Chapel Hill area over the past year, I am also thankful for a couple of exciting things that are happening in my life. One is I will be going to Hong Kong once again with my parents for two weeks. I am fortunate that I have enough vacation days for me to do this.

Me and my parents are leaving for the airport in about two hours. I will blog to you from the other side of the world.

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