Wednesday, April 26, 2006

An “alternative career path”

Tomorrow night is an event that is being advertised as the highlight of the MBA experience at Kenan-Flagler, the MBA Follies. It is an annual presentation of student-produced videos that mock or parody student life (or specific students) at Kenan-Flagler.


I am particular looking forward to see which of my classmates get smacked this year. In February I went to the website and watched some of the videos from previous years. There was one from last year that I thought was hilarious. It’s about students who decided to pursue an “alternative career path.” Now that we are in the last week of classes and I still have yet to find an internship, I am tempted to consider pursuing such an “alternative career path.” However, as the video will make evidently clear, I lack some of primary characteristics that would make me a successful applicant in such an endeavor.


(To view video, go to the web page, and click “Alternative Career Path.”)



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