Tuesday, October 3, 2006

An MBA will prevent a woman from earning an MRS

Anyone remember that song that goes “if you want to be happy for the rest of your life .. blah blah blah something … take my personal point of view … get an ugly woman to marry you?” A dear friend of mine and faithful reader of this blog sent me this a while back. A writer for Forbes Magazine came up with a variation of the adage and wrote an article that career women should be avoided when it comes to choosing a spouse.


The advice is based on research indicating that women who work (defined as women who have a college or higher education, work more than 35 hours a week, and earn more than $30,000 a year) are more likely to have unhappy marriages, practice adultery, and have less children compared to their counterparts who stay home. This article first came out about a month ago and the ensuing controversy has caused its disappearance from the magazine’s web site. But I heard the author interviewed on Alan Colmes’ radio show where he defended his arguments and the research behind his claims.


Needless to say, the next time there is a Carolina Women In Business meeting, I am going to make sure I don’t walk into at McColl unless I have my running shoes on.

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