Monday, October 2, 2006

Shot down

I was feeling pretty good all weekend from the reception I got from the two companies this past Friday at the National Black MBA job fair. Then today I learned that I did not make the closed interview list for the world’s largest software company.


While I am a bit disappointed, I have come to realize that much of this job search will involve me taking two steps forward followed by one (and sometimes more than one) step backward. Not making the closed interview list is not the end of the world. When I had my phone interview with this company back in March, I did not get that interview via the Kenan-Flagler recruiting process. As my complex deal professor said when I asked him at the end of class one time about how he calculated a number that was on the board, “there is more than one way to skin the cat.” At this point I am entertaining a couple of options on how to further proceed with this company but will refrain from discussing them on this blog. The most obvious option is to use my bid points for the few open slots that are on the schedule.


In other news, after the Kenan-Flagler reception on Friday, me and my classmate ended up taking the last flight back to Raleigh from Atlanta. The dean and the assistant dean, who both spoke at the reception, were on the plane withus. I am happy to report that both gentlemen flew coach just like most ordinary folks. And this is very appropriate because after all, UNC is “the people’s university.”

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