Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Overheard at Panera

Usually these “overheard” blog posts are about things I have overheard people say that I find odd or unusual. This time I am writing about a situation where I said something that someone else overheard and found quite unusual.


I met up with a UVA classmate yesterday at Panera on Franklin Street. She was a year behind me and is now a news reporter for one of the local newspapers. We were recollecting and reminiscing stories about people we both knew during our years at UVA and the following exchange took place.


Me: Do you remember Sam H.? He wrote for the Cavalier Daily and lived on the Lawn.

Friend: Oh yea. Sam H. is now an actor out in L.A..

Me: Are you sure? Sam H. went to law school. The Sam you’re talking about is Sam S.


At this point a girl in the next table jumped up and excited proclaimed “I know Sam S.! He’s my cousin!” Apparently she overheard us talking about UVA and thought about her cousin and almost immediately I mentioned his name.


Small world.


Anonymous said...

I read your resume on Linkedin.  It's the biggest pack of lies I've read this year.  "Managed product development and testing efforts"?  "Directed start to finish Quality Assurance testing"?  "Technical Lead"? "Participated in vendor selection"? Let's be honest, you were a relatively junior QA tester when you were here at AOL, and a mediocre one at that.

Try being honest on your resume...you'll have better luck in your job search.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry that I did this. I have since made the appropriate changes.