One of the things I like about being on a college campus is the variety of speakers that regularly come to campus. After my strategery class today I went to Dey Hall where former Republican Vice Presidential candidate Jack Kemp gave a talk on revitalizing America’s cities. His talk was the standard "in praise of low taxes and less government regulation" talk he’s been giving for the past fifteen years. He referred to Hong Kong as an "anti-poverty machine," citing it as an example of how an environment of low taxes results in wealth creation.
I had with me my copy of Trusting the People. The book had been autographed by Bob Dole during a New Jersey rally in 1996 where I elbowed my way to the front of the crowd after the stump speech. As the Senator walked by, I waved the book in front of him, he grabbed it, reached for his pen while a Secret Service agent held the book open, and signed on the first page. After today’s talk I introduced myself to the former Congressman and he autographed the book as well.
So now my copy of Trusting the People has a the first page with "B. Dole" in the middle and "from Jack Kemp (old #15)" toward the bottom. It’s going to be quite a collector’s item.
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