Saturday, October 1, 2005

My financial aid disbursement

My sincerest apologies for not having updated this blog in more than a week. The past two weeks have been extremely hectic. We are at the very end of the quarter, the last class is this Wednesday and my first final exam is Friday.

This past week we closed on the sale of the condo and we had a bit of last minute drama. When the buyer and her agent viewed the condo back in August, I had already moved out and all my furniture was gone except for one Ikea couch that remained. Realtor Jim explained that I had made plans to dispose of the couch before the closing of the sale. The buyer (actually, I think it was her mom) then politely asked if I could leave it there for her. The words “Buyer requests that seller leaves the couch” were added onto the sale contract, which I signed.

My interpretation of the addendum was that the buyer was asking that I leave the couch, that my signature was my acknowledgement of her request, and that I was not obligated to give it to her. In actuality, I had no intentions of giving her the couch for I had already promised it to my next door neighbor. On the day of the closing, the buyer and her realtor made the final walkthrough and showed up at the closing office furious that the couch had vacated the premises. Realtor Jim explained that they had requested the couch, but I had never agreed to grant them their request.


Unfortunately the attorney at the closing office, who represents the interests of the contract, agreed with the buyer’s interpretation and I had to cough over some money for the couch. I was on the phone almost the entire time with Realtor Jim and at one point, he whispered to me, “this man must have gone to the Bill Clinton School of Law.”


Out of spite, I am going to go to the Ikea web site and add the buyer’s name and address onto the mailing list so she can be apprised of their next sale. Since I know from personal experience how hard it is to keep up with the mortgage payment, she will need to save every penny she can.


Anonymous said...

Does she know what you used to do on that couch?  The little piece of information might have dissuaded her from being so uptight about including it in the contract.

Anonymous said...

Good point! She obviously is unaware of all the Bible studies that have been taken place on that couch and all the late night telephone marathons about salvation by grace through faith.