Monday, April 3, 2006

Surprise! (Part II)

Three weeks ago today, I had a surprise for my classmates on the first day of Mod IV when I walked into accounting class with my freshly shaved head. This morning when I walked into accounting, I received a surprise of my very own.


I had missed class on Friday because I was in Atlanta. Although I arranged to have the class videotaped, I did not return until late Friday and was unable to receive the tape before this morning’s class. I walked into class ten minutes late because of parking problems (the story behind what I had to do to get a one-day parking permit this morning is worthy of another blog posting by itself) and the professor had already begun class. He was in the middle of discussing not today’s case but last year’s midterm. I was a bit baffled as to why he was discussing the midterm since it was not part of today’s required reading. Just to make sure, I turned to the syllabus to confirm.


That was when I saw it.


APRIL 4                       TUESDAY             MIDTERM EXAM

          In-class, open book, PC, etc          6:00 - 9:00

          Rooms: 2500, 2550, 2575, 3250, 3575

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