Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Yet again

I cannot use in front of polite company the words that flashed through my mind at about 10:40 yesterday as I walked toward my car at the Kenan-Flagler parking deck. I went to school early to meet with another student on redesigning a particular club’s web site and was about to move my car to avoid getting a ticket when I checked my voice mail to see if there was any news regarding the interview I had in Atlanta. There was a message telling me that the company had decided to make an offer, to another applicant.


So once again I find myself back to square one. I keep hearing stories about how last year there were all those students who did not find internships until the very end of April or later and that there are still so many good jobs out there. Looks like I am going to find out how true that is. I was a bit upset afterwards in accounting. When class ended I went to talk to a professor in his office about my situation and he walked me through several options on what I can do this summer to strengthen my resume for next year’s job search.


The toughest part of today was forcing myself to confront the reality that I may be spending the summer in Chapel Hill. Instead of working for a corporation, I may be walking around McColl looking over faculty research projects, teaching next year’s class the basics of a discounted cash flow, or doing odd jobs for local companies. After spending the lunch hour thinking over this fate, I realized that while it’s not the most ideal situation, it’s not the end of the world.


This afternoon the associate director of academics sent out an email to first years on some administrative tasks we have to do before leaving for the summer. It included the dates of the summer pre-MBA workshop and the incoming class’ orientation along with a call for students who will be in town this summer to help out. It’s almost as though she was reading my mind. Or more likely, she’s been reading this blog.

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