The Wall Street Journal is an excellent source of information on the business and political worlds. But I am getting sick and tired of the errors on this publication, both in the print version and the internet edition.

I have trouble believing that someone who has never taken a journalism class and with no formal training in writing other than the required classes in college and in business school can spot these errors right away and the staff of the Journal cannot. Either the paper should hire a proofreader, ask its editors to be more aggressive in spotting errors, or put in place a process where anyone from the paper’s summer intern to the average reader can point out these errors to the
The Journal markets its print subscription and internet site access as a bundled product. Since my subscription expires soon, I have embarked on a strategy to keep reading the paper in perpetuity. I have gone onto the web site and suspended home delivery of the paper product until 2014. Between now and then, each day will not count against the number of days remaining on my subscription. Meanwhile, I can continue to read each day’s paper (US, European, and Asian versions) on the internet site.
Since I have been so diligent about pointing out the paper’s faults and errors on this blog, getting to read it for free is the least the Wall Street Journal can do for me.
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