Monday, April 10, 2006

Final push

As April progresses, I become more and more aware of just how “under the gun” we are to get that internship locked up before I leave for India in early May. I don’t know why I use the word “we” since I am the only one on the line here but I assume that many of my readers, like many of my classmates, are rooting for me. Going forward, I am going to allocate more time to the internship search and less time to class work. This may not sound like the most prudent thing to do but I’d much rather have an internship and get an L (low pass) on every class (I have been told that failing a class is unheard) than to get a P (pass) on every class and spend the summer doing faculty research projects.


One big regret I have about this year is not having spent more time during Mod III  on the job search. I have classmates who purposely selected a light class load during Mod III so they could take full advantage of the on-campus recruiting calendar and simultaneously start an off-campus search. I wish I had done this instead of taking the regular 7.5 credits and waiting until the on-campus interviews dried up in early March before starting the off-campus search.  So for the members of the Class of 2008 who are (or will be) reading this blog, and it was terrific meeting a bunch of you on Saturday during the MBA Experience Weekend, plan on front loading your job search as early as possible.


In other news, I ran my first 5k this past weekend. The event, called Girls On the Run, raised money for a program for build pre-adolescent women’s self esteem. I started off running at a good pace for the first one-half mile before slowing down to a walk. When I got to the last quarter mile, I could see the banner over the finish line and, realizing the finish line was where the spectators were, managed to launch into a sprint before crossing the finish line. In church yesterday, a girl said she saw me at the 5k. I jokingly asked if she saw me crawling or limping. She said “no it was when you ran across the finish line.”


Anonymous said...

Great Advice for us incoming students. Just keep on pushing and I'm sure you'll get that internship. I'm almost sure I saw you on Saturday but didn't want to risk blowing your annonymity. I'll confirm if I was right in August :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey you should have come by and say hello! Hope you enjoyed the weekend and had a good flight back to Orlando. ;)