Friday, September 7, 2007

Doing my best

Greetings from Charlottesville, Virginia where tomorrow me and a couple of college buddies will do some tailgating before heading over to watch UVA (hopefully) defeat Duke in the first home football game of the season.

I had yet another phone interview yesterday with the email marketing company that I have been interviewing with. It went well. We talked about the projects I worked on during my professional experience. The only part that was uncomfortable was toward the end when he asked why I did not go back to the company where I did my summer internship. It was awkward because I didn’t want to say anything bad about another company in the same industry that was also located in the local area. Sensing my discomfort, my interviewer said that he only was asking to see how I function in different environments and not because he wanted to exchange gossip about different people in different companies. Later this month I will be interviewing with this company again, it will be my fourth interview with the company and my second interview at the company. My interviewer told me I can dress more casually this time.

When I checked in at my hotel earlier, I saw a lot of Duke paraphernalia in the lobby and realized that the Duke football team was staying here as well. I think it would be horrible if someone were to go out into the hallway tonight at around 3am, pull the fire alarm, and force everyone to vacate their rooms. Just horrible.

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