Wednesday, September 5, 2007

We’re still in business

My sincerest apology to my readers for having gone dark (Jack Bauer lingo) for nearly two weeks. The 12 day hiatus is probably the longest I have ever gone without checking in and I have no plans of repeating it.


A week ago this past Friday, I had a phone interview with a company in DC that runs a health care content website. The interview went well and toward the end I was asked to give a salary range. I have never been asked that question before and immediately gave the standard “I am more interested in finding the right match and the correct opportunity than looking for a particular salary range.”


I should have stopped right there.


But instead I went ahead and said “but for the class that graduated a year ahead of me (Class of 2006), the median salary was $91,000.” The rest of the phone conversation didn’t last very long. It sounded as though the interviewer couldn’t get off the phone fast enough. He ended by wishing me luck, the very same “good luck” that I had heard many times from my interviewers.


The next time I am asked a potentially “deal breaker” question, I need to be more tactful about my answer. That same week I had a second round office visit with an email marketing company in Durham. The week ended with the interviewer emailing me an official job application. Under the space for salary, I wrote “negotiable.” I have another phone interview with that company tomorrow.

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