Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Don’t ticket me bro!

By now many of you have seen or heard about the video of the University of Florida student getting tasered by overly aggressive campus police officers while trying to shout asinine questions to Senator John Kerry. I had my own experience yesterday with the UNC Department of Public Safety.


I had a morning meeting with someone at Kenan-Flagler about revamping the school’s alumni web offerings. This person arranged for me to receive a one-day parking pass at the Kenan-McColl visitors lot and I made darn sure that the pass was properly displayed on the dashboard with the date visible before I left the vehicle. When I returned later, I was shocked to see a parking ticket attacked to my windshield wiper blade. The citation stated that I parked at a reserved spot (my spot was not different than any of the others) and the comments section reads “Student Display Vis Pmt.”


Perhaps the officer saw a student parking permit hanging from my mirror and concluded that I am a student and was therefore unqualified to park on the visitor’s lot. Now if Officer #210 had the IQ representative of a college graduate (notice I didn’t say “if the officer had gone to college”) and/or had bothered to put down his doughnut and look carefully, he would have realized it was an expired “BD” permit from the last school year.


There is not a snowball’s chance in hades that I am going to pay the $50 fine. But if I were to make good on my promise to run for President of the United States, then all bets are off.

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