Monday, May 22, 2006

Back in the saddle

After a great trip to India and spending a couple of days with my best buddy T.J. (some of you may remember T.J. was my roommate back in my life prior to Kenan-Flagler), I once again find myself ensconced in Chapel Hill. As I was driving in yesterday, it dawned on me that now that the India trip is over and that Jack Bauer will once again successfully save the world on tonight’s season finale of 24, there really isn’t much of anything for me to do (or to blog about) except the internship search and to write that stupid paper for my the India class.

When I was in college, I always wanted to stay behind and enjoy the town and the campus during the summer. I actually have the chance to do that this year in Chapel Hill, only problem is if I don’t manage to find something …. anything ... to do this summer, it will become significantly harder for me to find a full time job once the fall recruiting season begins.

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