Friday, June 23, 2006

Before you call the police ….

I guess I should check in just to let you guys know I am still alive and there is no need to go file a mission person report. It goes to show how busy and hectic everything has been that I have allowed an entire week to go by without blogging.


This is shaping up to be one happening summer. Two Friday nights ago I went camping with some folks from church to a camping spot around Jordan Lake. Last weekend I spent Friday night and Saturday near Hyco Lake where I went tubing from a speed boat. And the weeknights after I get off work are just as much fun. Last night I was at a UVA happy hour in Durham where the girl to guy ratio, at least when I walked in, was five to two. But it kind of sucks after you’ve had the chance to sit down, when you look around the room, and realize that all the girls are either engaged, married, or you have already asked out.

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