Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Out with the old, in with the new

When I returned to my apartment during lunch today, I saw my neighbors across the hall, a student who recently graduated from Kenan-Flagler and his wife, were packing up and moving out. At that same time, across town at McColl, about sixty members Kenan-Flagler’s Class of 2008 were attending orientation for June’s pre-MBA workshop, which begins tomorrow.


After I got off work, I went to Top of the Hill where I hung out with a bunch of these students. They all seem pretty nice and outgoing. No one said anything which either struck me the wrong way or offended me. But I am keenly aware that because they are in a new environment, most of them were probably keeping their cards under the table. I remember my ethics professor once jokingly reminded us in class that when we (my classmates) first came to Kenan-Flagler, we purposely toned down our levels of obnoxiousness for the sake of making friends.

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