Monday, June 12, 2006

A bit of explaining to do

There is a high likelihood that when the new school year begins, I will be invited to a meeting with the director of the MBA program and three faculty members who will ask me a few awkward questions about something which transpired this past Mod IV. The good news, at least in a secular sense, is that I have the rest of the summer to gather my thoughts and prepare my story. Earlier tonight I found out I received an L (low pass) in one of my Mod IV classes.

I don’t have an explanation as to why I did so poorly except that the material was hard and my internship search kept me from spending as much time as I needed to understand it.  I did realize by mid April that my internship search was keeping me from doing well in my classes and decided that getting the internship was more important, even if it meant getting the L.

The school’s academic policy is vague about the consequences of being on academic ineligibility (which is what happens to you when you receive an L in a class that takes up more than 25% of your credit load). But it does mention that a student may appeal the ineligibility and in the event that a reinstatement is issued, the student must abide by all the conditions (if any) of the reinstatement or “may be considered for expulsion.” (emphasis my own)

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