Monday, June 5, 2006

One really nice perk

My former co-workers and current classmates at Kenan-Flagler will testify that I am addicted to Coca-Cola. I can easily drink five cans of my favorite beverage on any given workday. When I worked at AOL, I developed a system where I kept a supply in my cubicle and each time I went to the kitchen to get one out of the fridge, I would load the next one in there. I had a similar system at Kenan-Flagler where I kept a supply in my car and every morning I would load two in my backpack and place them in the fridge in the break room and drink them for lunch. At one time I even kept the supply in my locker.

So imagine the grin on my face last week when I showed up at my internship, walked into the kitchen to put away my lunch, and saw that the kitchen has a separate fridge (the type you normally see at a deli) with all kinds of carbonated beverages, including Coca-Cola. Before I leave, I am going to tell the HR department that it needs to more aggressively advertise that as a perk.

It's close to midnight, I have to be at work tomorrow and yet I am still not tired yet. I wonder why that is. ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am incredibly jealous.  during one of my summer internships back in the day, the company decided it wanted to mimick a startups atmosphere, so that meant all the soda and candy machines were free (in addition to ping pong, pool and pinball machines) was GREAT...6 months later they got rid of the perks and 6 months after that GE got rid of the company....but damn was it nice. (they had to send out company wide emails though telling people not to stock up on candy or soda before they went home - which i found very humorous)