Friday, July 28, 2006

Another Thursday night at the Martini Bar

After going to a forum sponsored by the General Alumni Association on the situation in the Middle East, I went to the Davis Library to work on a project for my internship. When the library closed at 10, my instinct was to head home but I couldn’t get over the fact that it was a nice Thursday night during the summer in a college town. I ended up going to the Martini Bar instead.


I didn’t see too many people there and was planning to head home after my martini but five minutes later a classmate of mine came in with a group of first years. Over the next hour, the place began to get progressively filled up with more first years. I ended up staying for almost two hours. At about 11, as my classmate was leaving, I was trying to get him to stay for the group was going to go to Lucy’s for 80’s night. He said “I can’t, I have work tomorrow.”



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