Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Course selection

Last week I began bidding for classes for Mods I and II. I have noticed that most of the classes I have taken during my first year fall into three categories. The first is classes that teach you hard skills such as finance or accounting. These tend to be classes where every question has a right and a wrong answer. The second is classes that test your ability to be creative. These tend to be soft skill classes such as ethics and leading and managing where your performance depends on your ability to “bull you know what” on an assignment. The last category is classes in between, where you show you understand the material by applying a framework to a particular situation. Marketing and strategery are good examples of these classes.


My next two mods will contain a good combination of classes from the three categories. When I looked at the list of classes, I noticed immediately that Mod I not only offers more classes but more classes I am interested in. Even though I did not get into all the classes I wanted but I am relatively happy with the outcome. Originally I was going to use this post to write about some of the tricks I successfully bid for the classes I wanted but I think I am better off keeping keep that information to myself for the time being. But have no fear, my dear readers, I will try to revisit this topic in January after I am done bidding for the last classes I am ever going to take at Kenan-Flagler.

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