Thursday, November 23, 2006

Giving thanks

This past Sunday, my church’s young adults group hosted a Thanksgiving dinner and each place setting had four kernels of corn, three white and one black. Our instructions were to use the kernels to discuss three things we are grateful for in our lives and one thing we are not so grateful for but will agree to trust God with.


The exercise reminded me of the post I wrote last Thanksgiving about the things in my life that I am grateful for. If I were to put together another list for this year, it would include items like the much easier pace of life during my second year in the program, the happy ending to the internship search last year, the Christian professors that I have become friends with, and the active job market that my mergers and acquisitions professor said is the best she’s seen in five years. But the one thing that I find most satisfying of all is that for the first time in my life, I now have male Christian friends that I can discuss certain issues with. and what a difference this has made in my life. I was talking to a friend two weeks ago - a friend who would kill me if he ever finds out I am blogging about our conversation but as he said to me many times “I stopped reading your blog ages ago because it sucks, you should delete the darn thing” - and he said “I have noticed you don’t talk about your women situation now as much as you did during your first year, why is that?” I didn’t know what to tell him, except that somehow the Lord has give me a sense of peace in the matter.


By the end of the dinner Sunday night, I had used the three white kernels and had to come up with something to use the black kernel. We went around the table sharing things about our lives that we wish weren’t the case and when it was my turn I said “I wish I didn’t have to leave Chapel Hill after I graduate in May” as I tossed the black kernel of corn into the dish.

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