Thursday, November 2, 2006

Life is good

Earlier today I overheard a classmate talking to a recruiter saying “I am a second year in business school, life doesn’t get much better than this.” To which the recruiter responded, “it’ll be all downhill after you graduate.”


The exchange illustrates something I am keenly aware of, that life as a second year is a significant and substantial improvement over life as a first year and that this big party all comes to an end once we rejoin the workforce. Much of this has to do with the classes and schedule most second years have. To illustrate, I am only taking four classes this Mod, services marketing, brand strategy, leading organizational change, and negotiations. Negotiations meets only three times for an entire day on Friday. I have no classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. My current “weekend” began when my services marketing class ended at 5pm yesterday and will not end until my leading organizational change class begins Monday at 2pm. This four and a half day “weekend” is longer than the work week of some people I know, especially those who work for the national government. I was having dinner with a friend of mine after class on Monday and when I mentioned this incredible schedule that I have, he said “you will never it this good again.”

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