Monday, November 27, 2006

Hot date

I got a big day tomorrow. The credit card division of a major financial firm is flying me to New York for an interview in its Long Island City office. I am suppose to get there at noon for lunch followed by three one hour behavioral interviews. When I made my arrangements last week, the company was willing to fly me up the day before and pay for one night’s stay at a fine Manhattan hotel. But I turned it down because I had classes today until 8pm. Besides, there is no point in getting there the night before if I don’t have to get there until noon.


Hmm … come to think of it, the next time a potential suitor is offering to lavish hospitality upon me, I should not be so hesitant and just accept its offer. After all, I got a reputation to keep around here and I wouldn’t want the other fellas to think of me as a cheap date.

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