Saturday, December 16, 2006

Approaching three quarters way point

According to The Weather Channel, it’s 65 degrees in Chapel Hill right now but it feels much warmer. It’s hard to believe I am almost three quarters done with my MBA. This weekend I have to finish ateam project for leading organizational change class and a write up for brand strategy class, both due Monday. I then need to take care of a little bit of business that’s been outstanding for more than six months.


When I returned from India in May, I had to write up a response paper for the doing business in India class but between the final week of search for my internship, and actually starting that summer internship, I never got around to it. The professor was  lenient and said he would give an IN (incomplete) to anyone who did not hand in the assignment by the due date but was willing to change the IN to, hopefully, a P (pass) when he finally receives a satisfactory deliverable. This has been dangling over me for the past six months, almost like an account payable, but I am going to finally get around to doing it this week so that in January when I check my grades to count how many H’s (high pass) I got for this Mod, I won’t feel guilty seeing the IN staring right back at me.


I am on the main campus right now, which is mainly deserted because most of the undergrads are gone. Their exams ended yesterday. There is a basketball game later this afternoon against UNC Ashville and there are a lot of visitors milling about. Hopefully I will be able to make some progress in the next four hours before the library closes.

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