Monday, December 4, 2006

Back to back weekends

Monday is normally my busiest day with three classes between 2 and 8pm. But today is turning out to be a very good day because there are no classes today and tomorrow. All MBA students get today and tomorrow off so that first years who are looking to go into investment banking can spend these two days going to New York City for their informational interviews.


I went to the gym this morning before meeting with some people for lunch at this place called Hector’s. Hector’s located on Henderson Street at where Off Franklin used to be. As I was putting in my order for a double cheeseburger with large fries, it was hard to not notice the contrast that a year ago, this was the same spot where I would go on Thursday or Friday nights to order a beer and hang out with the post-docs who work at the Linenberger Cancer Center.


Earlier this morning I was feeling kind of bad that my four day weekend was about to come to an end. That was until I realized that since my all day negotiations class met for the last time on Friday, all I have this week are two Wednesday classes followed by another four day weekend.

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