Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Venturing to use the “C word”

I don’t know when but sometime in the past ten years our society decided that the “C word” is no longer acceptable and you see everyone nowadays knocking themselves out to avoid using it. This is strange because I don’t remember participating in the decision making process. If a decision was made it had to have been made behind closed doors, most likely by the folks in upper management of the major broadcast, print, and cable outlets. And I suspect the folks who run most of America’s biggest business had something to do with it. I remember one time my boss at work accidentally uttered the “C word” at a team meeting and when he realized his error seconds later he immediately corrected himself and issued a humble apology.


Since I am not on the payroll of a major corporation (at least not yet) and what I write on this blog is accountable to no one except my conscience, God almighty, and AOL’s terms of service, I am going to go ahead and dare to use it. Get your tape recorders ready folks.


Merry Christmas everyone, merry Christmas.

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