Thursday, December 28, 2006

No go for the West Coast

I decided against going to the West Coast Interview Forum. Of the four cover letters that I sent out, I received two rejections, one email telling me the company was no longer interested in hiring, and only one request for an interview. I am not going to spend $500 for a roundtrip airline ticket and at least $60-140 per night (depending if I can find someone to split the room with) for a hotel room for just one interview. Besides, if I want to get a rejection letter in the mail, I can write one myself.


Here it goes:


Dear Buckyhoo,


Thank you for your interest in (name of company) and your recent submission to our (name of position) position.  

After careful review of your resume/CV and your personal interview we have decided to pursue other candidates who are better fits for this position.  We encourage you to review other open positions at our career site  We wish you the best of success in your career search.



(name of recruiter)


There. I just saved myself $560.

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