Monday, December 18, 2006

The ultimate wishlist

I have blogged a while back that about one of my lifetime financial goals is to have enough money to have something at UVA named after me, preferably an academic building or the economics department. It just happens that UVA is in the process of renewing Rouss Hall. This is the building that used to house the economics department and where I had a lot of classes during my time there. I saw on the web a list of naming opportunities where you can have your name forever immortalized by donating a significant amount to the McIntire School of Commerce, which will occupy the building after its completion.


Looking at the list and the prices that the school is asking for, I am beginning to get a ballpark idea of what league I need to be in to make my contributions and secure my legacy at UVA. It also dawned on me that there really isn’t a big difference between a kid spraying his name in graffiti on the public school playground wall and a millionaire giving money to his school in return for the school naming a lobby or a study room after him.


I emailed BuckySis suggesting that instead of the usual Christmas gift, she makes a generous contribution to my bank account to start my savings effort toward the estimated $50 million that I will need to fulfill my endeavor. She replied, “why don’t you go find a rock and scratch your name on it.”

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