Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Atlanta career trek

I am writing this at the Starbucks on Franklin Street where I am waiting for my car to finish getting an oil change. I will be traveling to Georgia later today for two interviews that I have lined up in Atlanta. Tomorrow afternoon I have an interview for the product analyst position that I mentioned last week. This is at the internet division of a cable television network. There is also an internet company (nowadays the term “internet company” can mean many different things) based in Atlanta that I am very interested in. Last week I emailed a couple of Kenan-Flagler alums (the interim CEO is an MBA alum) and expressed my interest and availability for an interview. I got an email from the recruiting department telling me that while it has not been able to match me with a manager who wishes to interview me for a specific position, it wants me to stop by for an informational interview (this is the term that I have heard students use when referring to an interview where you are there only to express your interest in the company) with someone in the recruiting department. That informational interview will be Thursday morning.


So the plan is to drive there today, look around a bit, and do some preparation work. When I drive into South Carolina this afternoon it will be, depending on how legalistic you want to be, my first time ever in the Palmetto State. The only other time I have been in South Carolina was on a high school trip when our tour bus stopped at South of the Border briefly at around midnight. Even though my feet have technically touched the ground in South Carolina, I don’t count myself as having been there just yet. Depending on how adventurous I am, I may stop by Columbia (which is about an hour out of the way) where tonight the Republican candidates for President will be debating at the University of South Carolina. I received an email form the UNC College Republicans group inviting me to Neal Boortz’s Fair Tax Rally and to hear a certain presidential candidate that I particularly like speak. I was originally planning to go but it’s beginning to look unlikely that I will be able to make it.


That’s all for now from Chapel Hill. In the time that it’s taken me to write this, I have seen two, possibly three, of my classmates come into the Starbucks. By the time I return from Atlanta on Thursday or Friday, hopefully I will still be able to count on running into as many of them.

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