Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Houston, we (possibly) have a problem

I emailed my professor yesterday my final assignment for acquiring proprietary technology class. At around 8pm last night I checked my email and saw his reply.


“I only got the executive summary of your paper. Could you please cut-n-paste the other parts (and make any corrections you want) and send me one final document to print?”


That’s funny because I did email him the entire paper, not just the executive summary. I figure either one of two things happened. Either he saw the words “executive summary” at the top of the paper, saw that it was only four pages, did not realized my paper was single spaced, and assumed I only gave him the executive summary portion (executive summary was only suppose to be two pages). Or he looked at it, thought it was lacking, and his email was his way of telling me to add more work onto it.


I really didn’t have time to continue writing the paper but wanted to get at least a P (pass). So I went from erring on the side of brevity to doing so on the side of length and threw in everything but the kitchen sink.

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