Thursday, May 3, 2007

Turning the tables on the interviewer

I keep hearing about how employers are now using Google to seek information about job applicants. So I figured I might as well use that to my advantage by doing an internet search for the interviewer whom I will be talking to later today. I found her entry on LinkedIn, learned she is a UVA grad, what extracurricular activities she was involved with in college, where she went to grad school, and what positions and companies she has worked at previously. I then found out her maiden name on Hoosonline and using both her maiden and current names found a couple of articles where she talked about some of the new products that she launched for the company.


The only thing the internet search did not tell me is whether I should begin the conversation by saying “Wahoowa.” It’s funny how everytime I interview with this company, it’s with a UVA grad.

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