Tuesday, May 29, 2007

ASW III continues

Note: ASW III is the nickname a classmate came up with for Mod IV of this school year. None of us wanted to do any work and we all acted like it was the summer ASW I and II sessions all over again.


As I was driving back to Chapel Hill this past weekend, it dawned on me that I spent the first week since graduation preparing for/doing interviews in Atlanta and the second one with my parents. So now that I am back in Chapel Hill, for the first time since graduation – make that first time since I can ever recall, I am able to enjoy my life as a free man with no obligations.


After spending the morning grabbing breakfast with a classmate who is leaving tomorrow and sending out some emails updating a couple of recruiters and professors on my job search, I spent a good part of the remainder of the day at the pool doing some extracurricular reading. It feels good to have nothing to do for a change. I spent tonight the way I spent last night, hanging out at the pool with a bunch of classmates. One was generous enough to serve as our bartender and kept refreshing our cups of magaritas and pina coladas. At one point he said, “hey (my first name), how about a strip tease?” Although I was drunk enough to jump up and stand onto the edge of a nearby flowerbed, I clearly was not drunk enough to actually proceed with it. As they all looked on thinking – fearing – that I might actually go ahead with the act, I jokingly kicked off my sandals and returned to my seat.


He said he wanted a “tease,” didn’t he?

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