Thursday, September 8, 2005

A day in the life ....

Earlier today the finance club hosted a lunch presentation by a finance professor who worked on Wall Street called "A day in the life of an investment banker." I figured some of my readers would benefit from a similar glimpse as to what a typical "day in the life" is like for me.

Morning - my first class is either 8am or 11am, depending on the day of the week. The accounting professor at the 8am class is quite entertaining and I often refer to him as our seciton's "morning radio show." His jokes almost make it worthwhile for us to have woken up so early in the morning, almost. On the days that I don't have the 8am class, I usually get to school by 9:30 and spend the extra time catching up on material I didn't get to read the night before.

Midday - there is usually a block of free time before my 2pm class. Most of this time is spent doing class work, going to study group meeting, or going to club meetings. Every MBA student has 12:30 - 2pm free for lunch and clubs usually use this time for their meetings. In addition to MBA Christian fellowship, I am in three career clubs. They are the consulting club, finance club, and general management club. These career clubs are made up of first year students that want to get into a particular career field and second years students that have interned in the field. The meetings feature presentations about working in the field, finding an internship, and career progressions for full time graduates. At least once a week I find myself choosing between different meetings scheduled for the same time.

2pm - my last class of the day is either economics or finance, depending on day of the week. The 2pm class is the class I have the biggest struggle staying awake in and fortunately, economics and finance are the fields I feel strongest in.

Afternoon - at 3:30pm, I return to my apartment, run errands, exercise for about half an hour, shower and make dinner. I try to fight the temptation to take a nap because doing so usually throws off my sleep cycle.

Post afternoon - after I am done with dinner, I return to the school to do work. What time I get there usually depends on how disciplined I am about not doing too much "relaxing" when I am in the apartment. What time I leave depends on the day of the week. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I try to wrap things up by around 10:30 to go to Off Franklin (Tuesdays) or whereever it is other classmates are hanging out (Thursdays). On other nights, I have stayed at McColl as late as 1am.

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