Monday, September 19, 2005

Finally seeing the light

Among my former co-workers at AOL, we had an on going gag about me not understanding the definition of "dark humor." This originated during one of our very enlightening lunch conversations when one co-worker described a movie as "dark humor." Since it was a movie I have not seen, I proceeded to ask the group for the definition of the term.

RealMcCoy, looking a bit incredulous, proceeded to explain that "dark humor" describes a type of joke that makes one feel amused but, at the same time, guilty for finding it amusing. While I had no trouble understanding his definition, I asked for an application of the definition by asking RealMcCoy to name a movie that I qualifies as "dark humor." For the next ninety minutes (why do you all act so surprised we take two hour lunches at AOL?), he rattled off a list of movies that either I have not seen or I have seen but did not find funny. For the remainder of my tenure at AOL, a common office conversation would involve trying to name a "dark humor" movie that I have seen, and I would agree qualifies as "dark humor."

This past Sunday, I was at my young adults fellowship group in church when the speaker showed us a scene from a movie to help illustrate his point. It was a scene from the movie Saved!

The scene featured Mandy Moore's character trying to help a fellow Christian in need by gatheirng a group of her Christian friends and attempting an "intervention." This "intervention" involved physically detaining the friend on her way home from school, tossing her into the back of a minivan, and Mandy Moore's character then trying to perform an exorcism. After the friend breaks free and flees the van, an argument ensued. During the course of this argument, Mandy Moore's character informed her friend that her intentions were to save her from having to spend eternity in hell due to her own sin. We also find out that one of Mandy Moore's character's fellow exorcist spent spring break at a Promise Keeper rally where ... how should I put this politely ... she got a little bit of action. The scene ended with Mandy Moore's character angrily throwing her Bible onto the friend while proclaiming "I am full of Christ's love!" 

Now I can say I have seen a good example of "dark humor."

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