Tuesday, September 13, 2005

UVA Professor discusses Supreme Court on C-SPAN

When I was at UVA, I took a class on Constitutional Law by David M. O'Brien, one of the more well known experts in America today on the workings of the Supreme Court. I liked the class, even though I did not do too well on it. This past Sunday night I was delighted to see the professor interviewed on C-SPAN in the latest edition of Q&A.

Watching the program, I was reminded of the talent that certain professors have. Professor O'Brien has the talent of talking about most mundane topics such as which Supreme Court member is designated to answer the door during closed door deliberations and making it sound interesting.

After seeing the interview, I added Storm Center to my reading list. Ironically, if I had read this when I took his class nine years ago, I would have done better on it.

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