Monday, September 5, 2005

Married graduate students

From an article in Inside Higher Education:

Married men finish their doctorates, on average, 0.43 years (or about 5 months) sooner than do single men, according to a study released by the Cornell Higher Education Research Institute. The study also found that married men have attrition rates in graduate programs that are 4.7 percentage points lower than those for single men in each year of their graduate programs.

The study found no significant differences among single students and only marginal gains for married female graduate students. They tend to finish their Ph.D.’s 0.14 years more quickly than single women.

This should come as no surprise to most folks, that married male graduate students have an advantage over un-married ones. I'd also like to think that if I were married, I'd have an easier time understanding the material we're learning in Leading and Managing.

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