Saturday, September 3, 2005

What college graduates make

This is an "FYI" to all my former co-workers who were always (and probably still are) complaining about how AOL's not paying them enough.

The average starting salary offered by accounting firms increased to $43,370 as compared to $42,797 last year; followed by engineering services firms which increased to $47,161 from $45,807 and consulting services employers which increased to $46,856 from $45,278. The Salary Survey also reported that the demand for college graduates has been increasing and that among the 62 career fields with a percentage change in salary offers last year, 53 showed an increase.

Although most college graduates reported an increase in their average starting salary offers, computer science graduates experienced a moderate increase. Their average salary offer rose 2.3 percent to $50,820, while business disciplines saw a 5.3 percent increase and liberal arts graduates saw a 13 percent increase in their average offer.

This is courtesy of the Cavalier Daily. The entire article is here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

umm sorry, without reading the article and even though im slightly drunk  i can tell you that aol defeintely does not pay industry average, especially for the dc area..well that and the fact that none of us are out of college anymore, and also that we all believe that we're above average in our professions