Monday, August 14, 2006

Back with a vengeance!

My second year of classes begins today. My schedule is not set yet but so far it looks like Mondays and Wednesdays will be my easy days, I have mergers and acquisitions which meets at three different times and I can attend any section. I also signed up for fixed income and negotiations, which I may or may not go through with. I definitely want to take negotiations and the class is offered in both Mods I and II. The Mod II section is taught by a very popular professor and the class is extremely hard to get into, I am currently on the wait list for it. I may decide to take it now with the other professor, whom I have been told is just as good. Tuesdays and Thursdays are more packed. I have two accounting classes (complex deal and topics in advanced financial reporting), introduction to derivatives, and customer relation management. I may drop derivatives depending on how much I like it.


For the past week, I have been feeling pretty excited about the beginning of my second year. There’s a lot of stuff I want to learn and I want to fine tune a couple of studying techniques/work habits that I have been toying with in my head. I also like many of the first years I have met so far at the receptions I attended this past summer.


And for all you first years whom I walked by upstairs this morning, welcome to the show that never ends (a line I borrowed from the West Wing).

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