Thursday, August 24, 2006

Putting it all together

One of the things that’s nice about being a second year, I am told, is that you get to see how what you learn in one class applies to another. It’s a nice feeling that after nine months, eighteen classes, and four Mods, to finally know that what you learn in one class is knowledge that actually “lives” outside the bubble of that one classroom.


And it’s about time too. Let me give you an example of how today I was able to apply what I learned in one class to another. In advanced financial reporting, we were learning about bond futures contracts and in response to a classmate’s question, the professor said that many of these futures contracts can only be utilized by investors and institutions with the means to do so. His exact words were “you have to have money to walk into a casino.”


Later on in marketing class, we did a case about how a particular casino chain uses its loyal rewards program to attract and retain customers. And I must say that knowing one has to have money to walk into a gambling casino really enhanced my understanding of the case. Because judging from what I know about casinos, I would have thought that they purposely target those who could least afford this type of “entertainment.”


Oh and when class ended, the professor showed us this great clip on the potential evils of companies collecting too much data on their customers.

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