Friday, August 4, 2006

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six …..

I have one more hour until my internship comes to an end. It feels just like yesterday that I was sitting in front of Panera Bread waiting for my car to get worked on when I received the phone call with the offer and agreed to start the next day. I realized recently that one unintentional outcome of me having agreed to start so early is since my first day was May 31, when I update my resume I get to write down that I worked from May to August even though I was only here for under eleven weeks.


And what a quick ten and a half weeks it’s been. I have trouble believing that the time has gone by already, especially when you realize that an entire Mod at Kenan-Flagler lasts only a little bit more than seven weeks. For a good part of the last ten weeks I was a bit worried about a project I had to work on but I gave the presentation to my vice president on Wednesday and he liked it so much he asked me to give it again to his boss and to some members of the sales team. It’s pretty cool when you give recommendations that people actually listen to. I gave the presentation again earlier this afternoon and … let’s just say one particular sales executive was so impressed with it that he looked like he was either going to die of boredom of or fall asleep on the spot.


Consistent with my experience of being an MBA student, no sooner does one responsibility end does another one begin. Twenty minutes ago I received an email from an accounting professor informing us that we have reading to do for the first class. Actually, let me take that back. I should not say that he was “informing us” of our assignment because his exact words were “A reminder that there is a reading assignment for the first class.” Since he is an accounting professor and you all know how much attention accounting professors pay to detail, the fact that he was giving us a “reminder” must mean that he has given us this information before and that … well .. I must have been too busy drinking at the Martini Bar to notice it.


I am going to spend the next hour archiving my company Outlook mailbox so I will have it as a souvenir of my summer here.

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