Tuesday, August 29, 2006


I had trouble staying awake in two out of my three classes today. I get tired very easily sometimes. Last week I started experimenting with something where I would come home after my last class, which ends at 3:30 the latest, and take a nap for a couple of hours before starting my homework. I found it to be quite helpful and will try to do more of that this year.


On Friday night we had a reunion dinner at my professor’s house for all the students who went to India in May for the Global Immersion Experience. We all received a CD with about 100 of the best pictures we took during our eleven days there. The professor played the pictures on his living room television set and a running joke throughout the evening was that many of the pictures of me featured me sleeping; me sleeping on the bus, sleeping on the plane, sleeping on the train to Agra. I don’t think I slept more than anyone else in the group, more likely that someone decided it was funny to take a picture every time he saw me sleeping. One of my classmates said to me, “you do sleep a lot.”


Anonymous said...

dude, if we had our cameras at work, we could have had like 50 pictures of you sleeping in various meetings.

Anonymous said...

You don't know half of it. Last year during Mod I, I fell asleep in the 2pm class all the time - regardless of whether it was microeconomics or finance. I have slept through church sermons, company presentations, etc.