Monday, August 21, 2006

Dropping derivatives and exercising my options

I ended up dropping the derivatives class last week because I found the material to be a bit too technical and did not like the professor's teaching styles. This will let  me to further concentrate on the other five classes I am taking. And by dropping the class I can go to an earlier section of the marketing class and end my day a bit early.


The first assignment of the marketing class is due this week. We have the option of writing a case write up for either the case due tomorrow or the one due Thursday. I am going to do the one due tomorrow. Usually when professors give me the option on which assignments to write up, I always do the early ones because they are usually graded more leniently and doing so gets them out of the way so that I can concentrate on the other assignments.


While this is the second week of class at Kenan-Flagler, the rest o the university will not begin class until Wednesday. On my way home tonight from the library I drove past many small groups of undergrads navigating their way between the dorms, the fraternity houses, and Franklin Street. As I drove I marvel at the options that are available to them at this stage in their lives and wonder if they will take full advantage of them or if they will look back when they are in their thirties and wish they had made some choices differently.

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