Thursday, March 16, 2006

Bald looks gets love notes?

Either someone is playing a joke on me or my new bald look is having an effect on the women at Kenan-Flagler. I received a LoveOGram in the middle of my taxes and finance class this morning.


I wasn’t paying attention during the lecture because I was planning on dropping the class before tomorrow’s noon “add/drop” deadline, when the class selection system finalizes everyone’s class schedule. I was sitting in the back of the classroom and noticed that other classmates were either surfing the web or working on his Yahoo! bracket selection when I decided to check my email.


In my in box was something from LoveOGram telling me someone had anonymously expressed an interest and I had to log in to the system, type in the name and email of the person I am interested in, and if there is a match, we would both be informed of our mutual affections. My first reaction was that it was a joke. I was punk’ed a few years ago by one of these systems when I typed in the names of everyone I was interested in, only to be have the information emailed to a college buddy of mine.  Not wanting to have a repeat of the incident and having the information announced on the KFBS Onyen, I investigated the web site and concluded it’s legit.


The unfortunate part about this is, assuming this is not a joke, there is very little I can do in response. There are, by my estimation, about 135 women at Kenan-Flagler. Subtracting the ones that are engaged or married results in about 90 single women. I am not going to go into the system 90 times and type in everyone’s name and email address just to see if there is a match. Besides, every non-match results in a similar LoveOGram generated to the woman saying “your name has been entered into our system, log on to find out who it is.”


As flattering as this is, it’s a bit childish. This is not the sixth grade where you leave an anonymous note on someone locker (actually, that exact same thing happened to a classmate when she opened her locker on the first day of Mod III … I only know this because I had to borrow her textbook and had to meet her at her locker) .. grow some balls … I know that statement just now is politically (as well as anatomically) incorrect, but you get my drift.


In other news, the bald look has gotten a lot of attention. I was walking out of the garage earlier tonight for my India class when a former professor looked at me and smiled. I was waiting for my bacon and eggs at the CafĂ© McColl today when someone from admissions saw me for the second time this week and said “I can’t believe how different you look.” I have been asked in the past week if I have noticed any difference in the reaction from the women. My answer was “I didn’t do it for them.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got a LoveOgram too.  And assuming it is not a joke either I find myself in the same predicament that I have very little idea who it might be! (sigh).